Study on Applying Web Services in Mobile E-bu…

2008-02-23 09:39:19来源:互联网 阅读 ()


1. Introduction

In today's e-business world, the use of mobile technologies is steadily on the increase. The next generation e-business will be mobile e-business.

Meanwhile, the current trend in the application space is moving away from tightly coupled monolithic systems and towards systems which are loosely coupled, dynamically bound components. Web service is the next stage of the evolution for e-business. The web service architecture provides several benefits such as promoting interoperability, enabling just-in-time integration, reducing complexity by encapsulation and enabling interoperability of legal applications.

Web service has evolved to its maturity period. With the potential market in mobile e-business growing rapidly, the demand for Access to digital information using web services from mobile devices emerges.

J2ME is targeted to devices with limited horsepower and is supported by 90% of new

devices released to the market. J2ME has a runtime environment that provides a secure, portable platform and a very large developer community. Soft companies have done much to provide J2ME devices the ability of accessing web services and several products had been published (such as kSOAP).

However, these developers’ packs are not standard APIs on J2ME. Developers who want to use web services on J2ME platform have to embed these packs in each application



