

With the increasing demand for cloud services, companies are now choosing to deploy their IT infrastructure in the cloud. The cloud allows them to reduce capital expenses, enjoy flexible services, and benefit from improved security. However, the price of various cloud services and storage solutions offered by different companies can vary wildly, which often makes it difficult for individuals and businesses to choose the right service provider. In this article, we will create a comprehensive comparison chart for various cloud-services offered by the top companies in the industry, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Alibaba Cloud.


To create this comparison chart, we will choose some popular services provided by these cloud service providers. These services include virtual machines, storage services, database services, and content delivery networks. We will choose the most popular type of virtual machines and storage services for each provider and compare prices based on a monthly subscription plan.

Virtual Machine Pricing:

Amazon Web Services:

Amazon EC2 provides a wide range of pricing options for different types of virtual machines. For this comparison, we will choose the most popular type of virtual machines, which are t2.micro instances. The price of a t2.micro instance on a monthly subscription plan is $9.50.

Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure offers a wide range of virtual machine pricing options. For the purpose of this comparison, we will choose the B1S instance type, which is a general-purpose instance optimized for small workloads. A B1S instance costs $13.92 per month.

Google Cloud Platform:

Google Cloud Platform offers various virtual machine pricing models, including custom pricing, per-second billing, and use-case pricing. For this comparison, we will choose the n1-standard-1 instance type. A n1-standard-1 instance costs $24.08.

Alibaba Cloud:

Alibaba Cloud offers a wide range of virtual machines, including general-purpose, compute-optimized, and memory-optimized instances. For this comparison, we will choose the ecs.t5-lc1m1.small instance type. A ecs.t5-lc1m1.small instance costs $12.32 per month.

Storage Pricing:

Amazon Web Services:

Amazon S3 provides a wide range of storage classes that are optimized for various use cases. For the purpose of this comparison, we will choose the standard storage class, which is designed for frequent access of data. Based on a monthly subscription plan, the cost of storing 1TB of data in Amazon S3 is $23.50.

Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure offers various storage options, including Blob Storage, Files Storage, and Data Lake Storage. For this comparison, we will choose the general-purpose v2 pricing plan for Blob Storage. The price of storing 1TB data in Blob Storage is $23.38 per month.

Google Cloud Platform:

Google Cloud Platform offers different types of storage classes, which are optimized for various workloads and use-cases. For this comparison, we will choose the Standard Storage class. The cost of storing 1TB data in Standard Storage is $26.00 per month.

Alibaba Cloud:

Alibaba Cloud provides various storage services, including Object Storage Service (OSS) and Elastic Block Storage (EBS). For this comparison, we will choose the standard OSS pricing plan. The cost of storing 1TB data in OSS is $17.00 per month.

Database Pricing:

Amazon Web Services:

Amazon RDS provides various managed database services, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. For this comparison, we will choose the MySQL database service. Based on a monthly subscription plan, the cost of running a db.t2.micro instance with MySQL service is $31.75.

Microsoft Azure:

Azure offers various managed database services, including SQL Database, Cosmos DB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. For this comparison, we will choose the SQL Database service. The cost of running the basic tier SQL Database instance is $15.79 per month.

Google Cloud Platform:

Google Cloud Platform offers a range of managed database services, including Cloud SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server) and Cloud Spanner. For this comparison, we will choose the Cloud SQL MySQL service. Based on a monthly subscription plan, the cost of running a db-f1-micro instance with MySQL service is $31.34.

Alibaba Cloud:

Alibaba Cloud provides various database services, including ApsaraDB for RDS (MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL) and ApsaraDB for MongoDB. For this comparison, we will choose the ApsaraDB for RDS MySQL service. Based on a monthly subscription plan, the cost of running a rds.mysql.t1.small instance with MySQL service is $9.10.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) Pricing:

Amazon Web Services:

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network that delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally. The cost is based on pay-as-you-go pricing, where customers are charged based on the amount of data transferred. The price for the first 10TB of data transfer is $0.085 per GB.

Microsoft Azure:

Azure CDN is a content delivery network that enables users to cache content at global edge locations. For this comparison, we will choose the Standard Verizon Pricing plan. Based on a monthly subscription plan, the cost of using the Standard Verizon plan is $0.087 per GB.

Google Cloud Platform:

Google Cloud CDN is a content delivery network that delivers content to users worldwide. For this comparison, we will choose the pricing plan for North America. The cost of using the North America pricing plan is $0.08 per GB.

Alibaba Cloud:

Alibaba Cloud CDN is a content delivery network that delivers content to users based on their geographic location. For this comparison, we will choose the standard pricing plan. Based on a monthly subscription plan, the cost of using the standard pricing plan is $0.12 per GB.


In this comparison chart, we have compared the pricing of different cloud services, including virtual machines, storage services, database services, and content delivery networks, offered by some of the top companies in the industry, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Alibaba Cloud. We have found that the pricing of different cloud services varies greatly depending on the provider and the type of service. Therefore, it is important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each service provider and the features they offer before making a final decision.



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