

Hello!My nickname in darknet is ray74.I hacked this mailbox more than six months ago,through it I infected your operating system with a virus (trojan) created by me and have been monitoring you for a long time.If you don\’t belive me please check \’from address\’ in your header, you will see that I sent you an email from your mailbox.Even if you changed the password after that – it does not matter, my virus intercepted all the caching data on your computerand automatically saved access for me.I have access to all your accounts, social networks, email, browsing history.Accordingly, I have the data of all your contacts, files from your computer, photos and videos.I was most struck by the intimate content sites that you occasionally visit.You have a very wild imagination, I tell you!During your pastime and entertainment there, I took screenshot through the camera of your device, synchronizing with what you are watching.Oh my god! You are so funny and excited!I think that you do not want all your contacts to get these files, right?If you are of the same opinion, then I think that $598 is quite a fair price to destroy the dirt I created.Send the above amount on my BTC wallet (bitcoin): 19D67Tgb3neJiTHd8pZDEBYmUn2qSjxEeBAs soon as the above amount is received, I guarantee that the data will be deleted, I do not need it.Otherwise, these files and history of visiting sites will get all your contacts from your device.Also, I\’ll send to everyone your contact access to your email and access logs, I have carefully saved it!Since reading this letter you have 50 hours!After your reading this message, I\’ll receive an automatic notification that you have seen the letter.I hope I taught you a good lesson.Do not be so nonchalant, please visit only to proven resources, and don\’t enter your passwords anywhere!Good luck!

答:您好,核实到该邮箱是过滤到垃圾邮件里面的.目前系统针对这类伪造域名邮件会过滤到垃圾邮件,可以 直接删除,我司已上线全新的云企业邮局,新邮局更稳定、强大,针对这类伪造邮件默认直接拦截,建议升级。详见:




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