访问这个地址报错 This script is lock

问:http://www.shangjingyb.com//  访问这个地址报错   This script is locked to another domain.  不知道是怎么回事

另外有个虚机一样的程序    都可以正常访问  http://www.jiasiboli.com//,访问这个地址报错 This script is locked to another domain.







I'd like to report an unusual result I got in one of my searches for domains to catch.

Please check the following screenshot:



->Thanks for your feedback. I have tested and couldn\’t see this problem. Could you please give me another example?

 There is no repeated domain.

问:I don't understand your testing.

I sent you a .top domain and you check a .xyz domain; shouldn't you be doing tests with exactly the same attributes as the problem described?

Here is another .top domain:


->Sorry for this. The problem is reported to my team and fixed. Please have a double check.

Have a nice day~


do you provide a sale URL for a domain that is for sale?

I'm talking about a URL that I can redirect a potential buyer to so they can click and buy the domain.

Please note that *only* the domain in question should be shown, ie. I'm not looking for a URL that will redirect to your marketplace where a lot of domains will be shown.

thank you


->Sorry for this. Currently we do not have the URL for all your domains. While we have another function called domain sale presentation. It requires to change your domain dns and once customer visit your domains,there will be a page showing that the domain is for sale.

->If you would like to have a try, please give me one domain and I will set for you and let you know its performance.

Have a nice day~


thank you. I will let you know when I decide to sell a domain or if I have an interested buyer for one of my domains.

I'd like to ask you one more thing,

In the case I need to transfer a domain away from West.xyz. I tried to get the transfer key for one of my domains but I get the message: 'operation failed' or 'cannot transfer out'.

Let's use the example of amazingvideos.mobi . What I do is:

a. I unlock the domain

b. I click on the 'Outgoing Transfers' menu

c. I insert the name of the domain

d. I then click 'next step' and that's where I get an error message.

Please see the following screenshots:

thank you


->Because we have some limitation on domains which have updated whois information, or sold from another buyer to your account. Normally, if you see "cannot transfer out", the domain can only be transferred in 60 days. 

->Do not worry, if you really want to transfer out, you can give me the domain list and I will unlock for you.

Have a nice day~

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